Naming method of lamp holder and lamp holder for electric light source

2023-05-10 15:54

1 range

This standard specifies the naming method of lamp holder and lamp holder for electric light source.

2 symbol system

One of the aims of this symbol system is to make each assigned symbol short, legible, and helpful in indicating its purpose. The symbol system consists of letters, numbers and symbols, each of which has its own meaning. Only one symbol should be used for each specific lamp holder and holder. This symbol system cannot be used to identify the material used for the lamp holder. The parts of a system of symbols should be directly connected without voids or other dividing symbols.

The complete symbol of the lamp holder takes the following form.

Cap symbol: (a) (b) (c) - (d) /(e) ×(f)

Lamp holder symbol: (a) (b) (c) - (d)

Note: Abbreviated lamp cap symbols may be used, but such abbreviated symbols must not cause misunderstanding.

The symbol before the slash in the cap symbol indicates what is important to the interchangeability of the responding holder with a cap. This particular part of the symbol is the same for the lamp holder and its holder. The part after the slash in the cap symbol (if it exists) indicates some important dimensions of the cap, but these dimensions are not a necessary part of the interchangeability requirements of the lamp in the holder. However, this size is important for the common interchangeability of caps from different sources mounted on lamps of the same model.

Note: IEC terminology, contrary to North American terminology, refers to the contact part and fixed part of a headless lamp as the "lamp end".

3 Basic Symbols

The (a) part of the symbol consists of one or more uppercase letters indicating the type of lamp holder. The following letters mean a lamp holder, but they have a similar meaning for a lamp holder.

B-- bayonet lamp holder;

BA- bayonet lamp holder, originally used for car lights;

BM-- bayonet lamp holder for mine lamp;

E-- (Edison) screw lamp holder;

F-- lamp holder with one outlet contact;

Lowercase letters after the letter F indicate different forms of contact, such as:

a-- cylindrical pin;

b-- a pin with a groove;

c-- pins of a particular shape;

G-- Two or more protruding contacts, such as pins or terminals;

K-- lamp holder with wire connector;

P-- prefocusing lamp holder;

R-- lamp holder with concave contact;

S- shell type lamp holder - in the lamp holder without protruding parts to fix the lamp holder;

SV- shell lamp holder with tapered end (V-shaped);

T-- lamp holder for telephone;

W-- represents the lamp end. The electrical contact between the lamp and the lamp holder is made directly by means of a lead located on the surface of the lamp end. The glass part of the lamp end (or other insulating material part) is essential for the installation of the lamp in the lamp holder. For a single lamp cap that can replace the whole lamp end and the insulating material with the same interchangeability requirements can also be represented by symbols;

Note: some of the symbols of the shape is similar to 櫀 earlier form, it will lead to use alphabetic character "W".

For example: E27- screw lamp holder;

F a4- Lamp holder with a cylindrical pin contact.

X-- If a lamp holder cannot be represented by a symbol in accordance with the provisions listed above, the lamp holder is represented by the capital letter X followed by a series of numbers.

Example: X511- glass lamp end with two separate metal fins.

Modification Method Ⅰ

If an additional characteristic of a lamp holder is included in the above capital letters and can be represented by an additional capital letter, the letter representing the most important meaning in the entire alphabet shall be given the first place.

Example: PK22s---- prefocusing lamp holder with conductor connector.

Modification method Ⅱ

Lamp holders whose characteristics are in conformity with the provisions of this Standard may adopt symbols already in use for lamp holders. If the lamp holder is not (or is not entirely) interchangeable with respect to electrical or mechanical requirements, the capital letter X, Y, Z or U, or a combination of more than two of these letters, is appended to the basic symbol of the lamp holder.

For example: BY22d- symbol special requirements of type B22 lamp holder.

GY16-- Type G16 lamp holder not interchangeable with type G16 basic lamp holder.

Modification method Ⅲ

In special cases, the (a) part of the symbol may be preceded by a number, usually 2. This symbol indicates that the entire cap is a combination of 2 (or more) single similar caps.

Example: 2G13- a combination of two G13 caps arranged side by side at some distance from each other (this type of cap is used for U-shaped fluorescent lamps).

The (b) part of the symbol is made up of numbers that represent an approximation of the main size of the cap in mm. The main relationship to the basic symbol letter is shown below;

The numbers after B, BA, BM, K, S, and SV indicate the diameter of the case;

The number after E refers to the crown diameter of the thread;

The number after F refers to the diameter of the contact or other similar size;

The number after G refers to the distance between the centers of the pins; - For more than two pins, the diameter of the circumference of the circle where the center of each pin is located;

The number after P indicates the most important size of the component used to position the lamp laterally;

The number after R represents the maximum transverse dimension of the insulating component essential for the matching installation of the cap in the holder;

The number after T indicates the width between the outside of the two contact plates;

The number after the W indicates the glass with the lead on the end of the lamp; (or other insulating materials) the total thickness and width of the sealing part, with a multiplication sign (×) between them;

For example: BA15b- represents the bayonet lamp holder for automobile lamps with the shell diameter of about 15mm.

G13-- denotes a double pin lamp holder with a distance of about 13mm between the pins.

The (c) part of the symbol, consisting of lowercase letters, represents the number of contacts, contacts, pins, or flexible connections. The following letters are used in this way:

s-- represents 1 contact;

d-- represents two contacts;

t-- represents 3 contacts;

q-- represents 4 contacts;

p-- represents 5 contacts.

The housing of the lamp holder should not be considered as contacts, which has nothing to do with whether the housing is a current carrying part, and the contacts need not all be the same shape.

Example: E26d- refers to the type E26 lamp holder with two bottom contacts;

G10q-- refers to lamp holder with 4 contact pins.

When necessary, the symbol carries a (d) part, which consists of a number preceded by a hyphen (-), indicating an additional part that is important for interchangeability.

For example, the number 3 indicates a bayonet lamp holder with three pins, or a certain size of the main shape of the lamp holder.

Example: B22d-3- refers to the B22 lamp holder with 3 positioning pins.

It refers to a prefocusing lamp holder with a diameter of about 2mm and two contacts approximately apart.

(e) part of the symbol made up of the front with a slash (|) Numbers, it said approximation, the total length of lamp holder in mm. This length includes the protruding insulation, but does not include the length of contacts or pins.

For example: B15/d19-- refers to the B15d lamp holder with a total length of about 19mm.

SV cap length refers to the distance from the diameter of the conical housing to the open end of the cap. To avoid misunderstanding, the length value is marked after the hyphen and before the slash.

The (f) part of the symbol consists of a number representing an approximation of the outside diameter of the open or skirted end of the cap housing. Numbers located at (f) are preceded by a multiplication sign (×). This number represents the approximate outside diameter of the skirt excluding the flare or the inside diameter of the open end, in mm.

For example: B22d/25×26-- refers to the B22 lamp holder with a total length of about 25mm and a skirt outer diameter of 26mm.

4 Other symbols and their meanings

EP10/14×11-- Prefocusing screw cap with thread top diameter of 10mm, total length of about 14mm, skirt diameter of about 11mm.

B22D-3 (90? /135?) /25×26-- A bayonet cap with two contacts, approximately 22mm in diameter, and three positioning pins with radial distribution angles of 90? One hundred and thirty-five? And 135? ; The total length is about 25mm and the skirt diameter is about 26mm.

BAY15d/19-- Refers to a bayonet lamp holder with offset positioning pins, ca. 15mm in diameter, with two contacts, the total length of which is ca. 19mm.

K59d/80×63-- refers to the lamp holder with two flexible connectors, the shell diameter is about 59mm, the total length of the shell is about 80mm, the skirt diameter is about 63mm.

R17d/80×63-- refers to a concave double contact lamp head (necessary for the positioning of the cap in the lamp holder) with a maximum transverse size of about 17mm for the insulator, a housing height of about 10mm and a housing diameter of about 35mm.

Refers to the shell is cylindrical, the end diameter of the shell type lamp holder is about, the shell length measured from the diameter of the circular body to the open end of the shell is about 8mm.

Refers to a telephone lamp holder with a width of approximately equal between the outer sides of two contact plates.

Ex 10/13 refers to the screw cap with additional requirements for leakage distance, the diameter of the top thread is about 10mm, and the total length is about 13mm.


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